Oaklawn Hospital Investor Relations

Issuer Overview
Oaklawn Hospital Investor Relations

Issuer Type: Healthcare

Issuer Overview
Oaklawn Hospital Investor Relations

Issuer Type: Healthcare

Welcome to Our Investor Relations Site


On behalf of Oaklawn Hospital, I want to thank you for your existing investment in Oaklawn's bonds and/or interest in acquiring our bonds on the secondary market.  Your investment in our organization provides financing for facilities improvement and equipment acquisitions that enable us to carry out our mission to provide personal, accessible and high-quality care to improve the health and well-being of the communities we serve.

As evidenced by the extensive disclosure in the Official Statement relating to the Series 2016 Bonds, Oaklawn is committed to open and transparent communication with its financial stakeholders.  Our investment in this dedicated investor website demonstrates that commitment.  We plan to post on this website extensive information that will enable investors to make prudent investment decisions:

  • all annual and quarterly disclosure reports;
  • material event notices required by Rule 15c2-12;
  • announcements containing other material information of interest to market participants;
  • information relating to semiannual conference calls which we've covenanted to hold; and
  • summaries of questions submitted by you in between conference calls, together with our responses.

To this last point, in order to manage the information flow efficiently and uniformly, we respectfully request that all such questions and information requests be submitted through this website, especially when bonds are "out for the bid" on the secondary market.  We will endeavor to respond as promptly as possible, but cannot guarantee turn-around times.

We appreciate that you have fiduciary duties to your investors.  Please feel free to contact me with suggestions as to how we might assist you in fulfilling that responsibility.

Gregg Beeg, President and Chief Executive Officer